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जवाहर लाल नेहरू की मौत कैसे हुई? | Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru Death Reason

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जवाहर लाल नेहरू की मौत कैसे हुई:

मित्रों आप को पता है की पंडित “जवाहर लाल नेहरु” की मौत कैसे हुई थी …………???

Google helps you to find the truth. Just type “nehru died”….it suggest “nehru died of syphilis”

सिफलिस नामक रोग से ….ये एक संक्रामक बीमारी थी
इस बात को कांग्रेस द्वारा छुपाया गया क्यों की सिफलिस रोग पुरुषों के द्वारा बनाये गए अप्राकृतिक और समलैंगिक संबंधों की वजह से होता है|
नेहरु पतित और व्यभिचारी तो था ही ….मरते मरते हर प्रमाण पुष्ट कर गया ……विकी पर देखिये ….


बहुत बड़े और प्रसिद्ध समकालीन लेखक स्टैनली वोल्पर्ट (wiki/Stanley_Wolpert) की किताब से ….

Stanley Wolpert in his book clearly states that his book is not the only one that has discussed the subject of Nehru’s homosexuality. There are a lot of books that he lists in his bibliography.

Stanley Wolpert is a great author. His research methods are above reproach. He had access to a lot of information, but he was not allowed to use a lot of the information on Nehru…hence he could use only public records. In the preface he complains about this. He read the information but was NOT allowed to use it. In the book he used only publicly available information.

There are stories on Page 25. Wolpert has come across some solid evidence but was not given permission to print it. He then grasped at straws to lead the reader to believe what he has information on.
He also describes instances when Nehru dressed in drag “Wearing his wig, made up with lipstick, powder and eye shadow, his body draped in silks and satins, Jawahar most willingly offered himself up night after night to those endless rehearsals for the Gaekwar’s At Home as a beautiful young girl, holding out her jug of wine and loaf seductively to her poet lover, Omar,” he writes in one passage.

Ferdinand Brooks, First Homosexual Partner:

In the book, Wolpert says Nehru’s first attachment was with a young man called Ferdinand Brooks who was his French teacher.

Brooks was a theosophist but Wolpert says before coming to India the “handsome’ man was a disciple and lover of Charles Webster Leadbeater, a renegade Anglican curate who was accused of child molestation and pederasty on several continents. Leadbeater openly advocated mutual masturbation among young boys.

Wolpert also suggests Nehru may have had a gay relationship in Harrow and makes much of Panditji’s admiration for Oscar Wilde.

The controversy is over material on pages 8-9 and page 12 last paragraph 4th. sentence, page 14 third paragraph, and then most explicitly pp. 23 -25 of Wolpert’s book. The jacket of the book also clearly refers to Nehru’s homosexuality.

The fact that Nehru had a relationship with his tutor who was a disciple of a well-known pederast (pp. 8-9) is evidence of Nehru’s own homosexual interests. The pederast and Jawahar’s love interest, not only espoused homosexuality and sex with boys but was summarily dismissed by Nehrus father despite the protestations of the young Nehru.

Nehru’s homosexuality:

The material (story of Nehru and his Englishman who went for a swim naked in the hot weather) on the later pages esp. pp. 23-25 is based on actual and more detailed personal Nehru documents that Wolpert had access to. Wolpert could NOT use actual Nehru letters to describe the incident in detail. Permission to publish letters and information was first given to Wolpert and then permission to use the material was DENIED.

“About Nehru, I think , He spent his formative years at Harrow (an English Public (Prep) School) and Trinity College, Cambridge during the early years of this century. Homosexuality was then quite prevalent in upper class England and in fact was generally known in Europe as an English disease(sic).

Did he have a homosexual encounter with his teachers? possibly. If he had one, in today’s parlance, it would be considered sexual molestation or rape: As he, presumably a minor was presumably attacked by an adult.

चित्र “नेहरु कम सर्लाक होम्स ज्यादा”
चलते चलते ….समलैंगिकों को बच्चे ज्यादा पसंद होते हैं …..जैसे चाचा नेहरु और माइकल जैकसन

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Shivesh Pratap

Hello, My name is Shivesh Pratap. I am an Author, IIM Calcutta Alumnus, Management Consultant & Literature Enthusiast. The aim of my website is to spread the positivity among people by the good ideas, motivational thoughts, Sanskrit shlokas. Hope you love to visit this website!

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