Never Make Suspicions about Others

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That Mentally Disabled Young Fellow

In a ram-shackled house, a long way from the town, carried on a young fellow who was mentally not fit. He was dependably found in the town, try hard to fill his old sack with disposed of things and scraps of eatable items. The kids of the town scoffed at him; the elderly villagers looked down on him and reproved their naughty kids from drawing close to him.

One day, the villagers discovered that the young fellow had passed away. He had kicked the bucket alone. When they went to his home, they were shocked to discover the man’s mother and father, debilitated and laid up in the bed and isolates house.

An Important Lesson

The stun of their disclosure conveyed them to their thoughts. They immediately understood that the young fellow whom they had ignored in their town, in spite of his mental and physical weaknesses, was committed to dealing with his wiped out and laid up parents until the day he kicked the bucket. With his passing, he taught the villagers an important lesson: We can never make suspicions about others, for infrequently the most caring and loving people are those we wouldn’t suspect.

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Shivesh Pratap

Hello, My name is Shivesh Pratap. I am an Author, IIM Calcutta Alumnus, Management Consultant & Literature Enthusiast. The aim of my website is to spread the positivity among people by the good ideas, motivational thoughts, Sanskrit shlokas. Hope you love to visit this website!

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